Why Should Your Child Study Music?
Music Provides Important Experiences: “Music activities provide children with important experiences that can help develop physical coordination, timing, memory, visual, aural and language skills. When they work to increase their command of music and exercise musical skills in the company of others, they gain important experience with self-paced learning, mental concentration, and a heightened personal and social awareness.”
Fran R. Wilson, M.D.; Associate Clinical Professor of Neurology – University of California
Music Teaches the Habit of Excellence: “Music directors agreed that children who are active in school music program(s) get the unique opportunity to experience intrinsic values of excellence. Organizations today emphasize the need to recruit people who can demonstrate proven abilities in the areas of quality and commitment to excellence. As one band director commented, “One bad note can wreck a beautiful symphony. This is about performing, not rehearsing.”
Dynamic Presentations Unlimited Research, Band Director Focus groups
Music Develops Quick and Decisive Thinking: “During musical performance, children turn their thoughts into action. Thought structures continually have to be updated and adjusted. The combination of constant vigilance and forethought coupled with ever-changing physical response is an educational experience of unique value.”
Frances Rauscher, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
- • Provide a quiet environment and necessary equipment (i.e. music stand and proper chair) for your child to practice.
- • Schedule a consistent daily time for practice.
- • Remain nearby during practice times to encourage and support.
- • Praise your child’s efforts and achievements regularly.
- • Encourage your child to play or sing in solos and small ensembles within their ensemble.
- • Attend concerts and recitals with your child, encouraging them to experience a wide variety of music.
- • Encourage your child to reflect about their personal improvement.
- • Keep your child’s instrument in working condition.
- • Encourage your child to play or sing many types of music, not just study material.
- • Show constant interest in your child’s progress and music activities.
- • Show support by attending school music functions and concerts.
- • Become an arts advocate for your school and community.
- • Computer programs and web resources are great supplementary material for your child’s enrichment and continued interest.